Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500

I’m in the market for either a used or new tube integrated amp to drive my Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which have an AMT tweeter. These speakers have a sensitivity of 88db and minimum impedance of 6.4 ohms. The amp should sound warm and smooth without any treble glare. The amp must be also reliable since my previous amp visited the repair shop 3 times in 4 years. I do prefer it come in black and must be 7" or less. I appreciate any recommendations.
@helomech and gillatgh

I contacted Brent Jessee and he recommended a NOS Mullard based on my preferences
I doubt you can go wrong with an NOS Mullard. I just find excellent value in the old RCA 12au7s, both the black plates and clear tops. 

Please report back on the sound. 

Thanks for the recommendations and I will consider if the Mullards don't work out.

I called Rogue for an update and the amp should be ready by the end of next week. They plan to install the KT77 and test the amp for 24 hours to ensure there are no problems before shipping. I also ask to have the 4 ohm taps connected prior since it sounded best when I demoed at home. They also answered my many questions on the phone. It's nice dealing with an American company that you can call anytime and they will immediately answer your questions. 
I would be careful of a Rogue. They are known to be hard on tubes. The Prima Luna will last much, much longer before needing tube replacement.

Jolida amps rarely if ever get reviewed, and as a fan of my trusty 502p power amp (sold it when I switched to a single ended design), I can vouch for the quality of these things, and they're much less expensive by a large margin relative to other similar tube amps out there...great stuff, and a tube rollers funhouse.


I'm also concerned since the Rogue outputs 100w with the stock KT120 and the PL only 40w. Since I'll be using KT77 tubes, per Rogue the bias will be reduced from 35 to 30 but I'm thinking of reducing it further to 25. While auditioning the Rogue at the dealer with the KT77 installed, we listened at both 25 and 30 at no apparent sound differences. Would it be practical to reduce the bias to 25 and prolong the tube life?