Sorry Actusreus, I'm too snarky or obtuse for my own good.
I assumed you were asking why people buy or lavish praise on Harbeths when you assume the specs are mediocre---much like the ingredients on a pack of hotdogs wouldn't add up to the taste or pleasure they give to some people.
And you seem to think that Harbeths have taken over the market here, where in reality the vast majority of sales are not in the US, even less in England, but overseas.
To me you could have replaced any number of manufacturers names for Harbeth....names I could much more easily do without, like Dynaudio.
I assumed you were asking why people buy or lavish praise on Harbeths when you assume the specs are mediocre---much like the ingredients on a pack of hotdogs wouldn't add up to the taste or pleasure they give to some people.
And you seem to think that Harbeths have taken over the market here, where in reality the vast majority of sales are not in the US, even less in England, but overseas.
To me you could have replaced any number of manufacturers names for Harbeth....names I could much more easily do without, like Dynaudio.