VAC 160i SE vs Audio Research GSi75

Hello all.
Looking for anyone who has experience with these two fine integrated's. The ARC does have the (dis)advantage of a built in Dac which is handy as I am mostly digital at the moment. Both roughly the same wattage, not sure of current ratings. Can pick up either in the used market right now for very similar prices. Want to know what are the sonic differences here? Do they sound a lot different from each other?
Pro's and con's of each. Does one have more weight/heft to the sound? More air, upper and lower end extension and all the good stuff we look for? Is one really a lot better than the other?
I listen to a lot of different music. Mostly classic rock, hard rock with blues, jazz, vocal land instrumental, pretty much the works. Room size is 12' by 18' with 8' ceiling. This opens up to a kitchen and hallway on one side. Aprx 350 sq. feet.
Other equipment would be a streamer probably Lumin. Speakers I currently have are PSB Imagine T3. However looking to upgrade as well to possibly PMC, Gershman Acoustics, Wilson Benesch.
Any info is appreciated.
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I owned the vsi55 years ago & didn't care for it.  Ballsy but not quite 20/20 vision if you get my drift.  Cant imagine the 75 would be that much different.  I'd definitely go VAC having heard their products a few times and talking w/Kevin who is quite approachable and so is their service after the sale if needed.
I’d go Vac between those 2. Great company, better built and a much fuller sound then Arc.
If I could afford one I’d buy that exact integrated. 
The lumin is also fantastic. I can’t comment on your speakers because I haven’t heard them. 
I’d bet that vac would sound very good with any of them. Good luck and congrats. 
I used to own vac integrated great amp if its enuf power ....alas was not enuf for my harbeth 40.2 for all my music listening but for much of it was sublime