Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?
Getting back to the subject (briefly) have I mentioned my latest breakthrough? Oh, it’s big. Big big. Bigger than big. You see, as it turns out the %&@!# CD, that thin wimpy out of round wafer of plastic and sputtered metal flutters and vibrates and rings like crazy. There is no way the error correct routines and laser servo mechanism can keep up! This is one of the main problems audiophiles who listen to CDs face, it’s no wonder they have been frustrated with the generic, compressed and blurry sound of CDs generally. And who knew? Background scattered light and CD vibration have been holding audiophiles back for almost 40 years. All that is about to change. 

Gasps with anticipation...…..

When do we mere mortals get to see/hear this revelation?
OK, here’s what I’m going to do. I will provide the new Mystery CD Tweak free (that’s right - free!) to everyone who purchases New Dark Matter at full price. LIMITED TIME OFFER! How ‘bout them apples? But for right now it’s very hush hush.

My turntable sits on a 40lb sand filled box (Baltic Birch Ply) The "box" sits on a the shelf I built which is attached to the wall. Bought some springs today and am going to place them between the box and the shelf. Am currently using sorbothane semi circles

Hopefully I am going to notice a difference :)