Luxman 509X vs Mc452 + preamp

I am currently debating where to go with my system.  I have Martin Logan 11As, McIntosh MC452, Meridian 218 DAC/streamer, and a Marantz 8805.  Been using the 8805 as my HT and 2ch pre, but for obvious reasons I am disappointed with the overall sound.  Need to keep everything as one system for the time being for budget and space considerations.

Been considering either picking up up a 2ch preamp, possibly Audio Research or McIntosh, or just simplifying my life and moving to the Luxman 509X integrated.  Budget is a bit tight, was hoping to keep it around $3K, if keeping the MC452 and getting a pre.  If going the Integrated route I have more wiggle room since I can sell or trade in the MC452.

I tend to like things on the warmer, non-analytic, side but with detail.  I listen to almost all kinds of music, but where I like to see some improvement is in classical music with instrument separation, clarity, and crispness.  McIntosh tends to have a darker sound and I am thinking that pairing it with electrostats may not be doing the combination justice especially in the high frequencies.

Any thoughts/recommendations?


A few preamps that I am looking into instead of the c900u (to lower cost) are:

1) SimAudio Moon 390 network player (cost and features are attractive)
2) Mola Mola Makua supposed to sound great with the m900u
3) Anthem STR preamp which has DSP and supposed to have a decent DAC
4) SimAudio 740 preamp was reviewed with the m900u on SoundStage and that unit can be had for around $4.5K used.
Great list, would be great to see which you end up with.

Have you considered/heard the PS Audio DirectStream?  It came up in discussions as a potential with the m900u.  Also the PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp is supposed to be fantastic for the price.
I recently looked at the tech of the PS Audio DS with Bridge (have heard this many times). I have had other DAC's with volume controls and was never happy as with a dedicated analog preamp. The PS Audio CEO has gone on and stated that the DS sounds better with a preamp, their one specifically. One big turn off for me is that PS Audio is moving to build their own proprietary music server software. I like ROON and prefer to buy software from software companies. PS Audio is a hardware company,

I have not heard the BHK preamp.
Ah, didn't realize they were creating their own music server software.  Being in tech, I wholeheartedly agree on the complexities of developing and launching software.  Look how long Roon has been working to fix all the kinks, though in PS Audio's defense they would only need to support their own hardware.

I have heard amazing things about the BHK preamp.  If you have the chance to demo it, it might be worth while.
@eziggy I am a software guy myself and when I heard that PS Audio was doing their own music server software and will not support ROON on Bridge III (I think), I lost interest in the DS.