What in your mind represents real technological advancement.

To be a real advancement the technology must improve the sound quality. Just extending the bass or the high end can't be call an advancement if it doesn't sound better. If the bass goes " lower " but is muddy or the highs go higher but are " bright and forward and irritating " then that does not improve the listening experience. So the question is what improvements make a speaker more enjoyable to listen to. 
Clearthink...you left out "are there" from my post. It's a fact that many "feel" better after burning cash for silly tweaks, which seems like all anyone needs to know about most of them.

Your subversive anti-fuse "rant" for lack of a better word,  has really set me off. Fuses are one of the most important "links" to more realistic audio, invented by none other then William Bickford in 1831, a land mark year to celebrate audio....you have blown my fuse and that is not easy to do......it is a slow blow 20 amp, recently upgraded with audiophile circuits. 
If you have any respect for William Bickford please retract your inflammatory  and not totally accurate review. 
Thank you in advance......not prematurely I am sure. 
Subversive...yeah man! I'd like to hear comments from others on this thread as to why they DON'T embrace the hyperbolic Magic Tweak "rants" for lack of a better word...wait, here's a better word: Rodomontade...(what's another word for "thesaurus?") Plenty of things you tweak yer gear heap with actually do work and the more secure and rational designers are generally happy to explain why, but the rise of the salesman driven world of the "I don't care how my $500 magnetic place mat works, it just does" Faith Based fan should rankle anyone who respects at least a modicum of logic. People have actually claimed that a fuse mounted backwards makes their system sound "out of phase." No, it doesn't, it never could, and to claim it does tosses credibility out the window. Subversive? Only to those with the fertile (and often fertilized) imagination of the easily misled who crave a cult that warmly invites them to drop their scruples and join in...with a 30 day return policy.
Well said wolf.  The "faith based" audiophile is truly an amazing thing to behold.