Atma-Sphere, Ralph Karsten

So I had tube gear many moons ago for a very short period of time. Now I have Atma-sphere UV-1,  serial 002. And the most upgraded one of its kind, lol... Also have a set of M60’s 3.3 and recently purchased some older MA-1 Silvers. Being mostly new to tubes and completely new to Atma-Sphere, (OTL)  I’ve had a ton of questions. And let me say this.... The crew at Atma-sphere has spent a lot of  time with me through explanations,  and a few issues that  came up. Non of which,  was an Atma-sphere issue. It was other components.  Ralph and his crew really knows Audio. And what’s more they have a passion for their work which is very, very  hard to find, I live close, I go there. When I brought in my PreAmp,  Adam was so proud,  and happy to see it was in such good shape. The pride beemed from him. At that point I knew this company was a special one.  Everyone at Atma-Sphere doesn’t look at it as a job.  They are extremely passionate about what they do. And they take so much pride in their work. It’s really incredible.  They,  and Ralph,  have spent time not only to answer my questions. But to make sure I really have an understanding of the question I ask. They really make sure their consumers know, and understand their products. The service I have received from them, is really unheard of, in this day and age. Few manufacturers care about after the sale. But this is where Ralph understands the relationship actually begins. No one understands that business model these days.  I never get the impression I am bugging them. In fact usually get more in-depth answer than I ever anticipated. In this day and age,  In this day and age it’s incredible to find a manufacturer that cares about the consumer. Let alone as much as these guys do. There is not enough words, or gratitude,  I have for them to write here. 
    People don’t share gratitude much anymore.  But these  guys truly deserve it. If anyone ever wants an awesome sounding Amps,  or Preamps,  hand built by passionate people. And what has to be the best or close to the best customer service in the industry.... Ralph and his crew go more then the extra mile.... I’ll never buy any other product, ever...... They are simply incredible. And some of the nicest people I have ever met. 

    Full Disclosure.... I am just an extremely happy consumer.... Average Joe blow off the street. 
Ralph's contribution to this forum is exemplary and speaks for itself.

I spent a year looking for the right amplifier: FW, LTA, to PL, Cary, among others and ended up with a pair of Ralph's M60s

Over a year now and have never looked back. Extremely happy customer:-)
Thanks for posting this.
I should have done so myself.
Whenever I had a problem with my MA-1's or MP-3, Ralph or Adam helped me to find the problem. 
Sometimes it took a few calls, but Ralph was always patient and offered great advice. Each time, it wasn't the amp or preamp, but something like a wonky connection that caused the problem.
So, +1 for another great American product and designer.
Bob, that’s been my experience also. Never the Atma-Sphere products. Just recently I had an issue. Did a lot of trouble shooting with Matt and Ralph. Then brought my amps over. Ralph check it, It was fine. Told me I had to had a speaker wire short, or a shorted speaker. I knew it wasn’t a speaker wire connection. I took the back of the speaker and found a shorted wire. Soldered it back to where it was suppose to go. And bang.... Everything was just fine. Not to mention the many, many times I called him for information. As I said, I learned more for him the past 7-8 months, then I have in many years from all
other sources. And I immensely appreciate it. I just thought he, and his crew should get a well deserved pat on the back. They actually and really do care. They want each, and every consumer, to get the most out of their gear as possible. It’s their passion....
Ralph as helped me with a couple of my DIY tube amp builds and has always answered my questions. He is such an asset to Agon and the industry. I greatly respect and appreciate him.

As a past customer I found his upgrade service to be fantastic! Lastly, the workmanship under the hood of his amps is an absolute thing of beauty to behold. Great team!
I'll admit to not owning any AtmaSphere components for a number of years.  But when I did Ralph did everything he could to offer the little support I needed (meaning not much came to question).

Since then I've continued to be impressed by his openness in sharing general information as well as that specific to his products.  All this praise is well deserved.

But a question for pestores: you said, "The M60 3.3 are awesome. But the MA-1 Silvers are simply incredible".  So which is better, awesome or incredible?