To all that has a Theta Miles CD player

I’ve noticed lately that my Miles is skipping the first note or music measure on about every third song. It’s not consistent, but it’s still there. Since I’m using it as only a transport, it has to be the optics system.  Has anyone else experienced this?
I just had my CAL Delta tuned up at Deltronics in Chicago. They cleaned the laser assembly and lubricated the sled, belts and rollers. Makes a huge improvement in SQ. 
Thanks to all who have replied.  I've had this problem for years, but only with certain DAC's-probably should have mentioned that.  I'm not sure why 2 out of 3 DAC's revealed the problem, but the other did not.  When I first discovered the problem, I thought I had a bad DAC, but when I recently auditioned the Premate Plus by DEQX and it did the same thing, I knew it must be the transport.  I ran an old lens cleaner I found in my CD rack, but it didn't help.  I realize the 6 second cleaner of little soft bristles, probably isn't the best and I even hesitated thinking the cleaner may do more harm than help.  Even though it hasn't become worse over the years, maybe it's time to install a new laser.  Pretty sure I can get one through Pioneer. Missing a single note, every now and then isn't a big deal.
I’ve realized, through some comments of Miles owners, I may have a laser reader going bad. About every other song it misses the first note. Lately I noticed, on a burned CD, it starts sounding scratchy like a worn LP might sound. I can turn my it off and back in on and it clears up-for a while. My question is, to those who may know, is this consistent with a bad laser, or is my electronics going bad. I was just about to order a new laser, but it may be time time put my Miles out to pasture. It’s been a superb transport. Hate to say goodbye. 
BTW-it’s. Not on every burned CD, but does miss the first note on every CD occasionally. This is something new. In the past, it played all CDs perfectly. 
One more thing. Since I started using my Kora Hermès II, I no longer have a problem with digital lock. Every note comes through very clearly. I think that’s all  It’s late and I’m tired. Any advice will be appreciated.