johnkent3, YMMV. The important thing, is that you are enjoying the
MX1000, as this is what it is all about. Always, MrD.
Mr.D - now that it's brought up - my mileage did vary with Schiit products...
The quality of the freya was sub par because it introduced noise and a slight hum no matter what I did in any of my systems....
The modi 2 über was pretty good sounding but same thing - it was not quiet enough.
I was seriously thinking of the Vidar - but was a little apprehensive due to my experience with the company .
All of this and - Super Best Audio Friends - they hype the Schiit stuff hugely probably Schiit pretty much keeps that forum alive with advertising - and they're total dicks. Audio science review is the opposite and the only one posting legitimate, unbiased audiophile information.