Can you recommend a small (in size) Amplifier 150 -250 W Power per channel

I want to replace my FPB250m monoblocks and KRC-3 preamp with an integrated Amp,What would be the smallest (in dimensions) integrated amp that you would recommend that could drive Totem Mani2s ( recommended amplifier requirement for these speakers is : 40-200W (4 ohms).- but in reality below 150-200 W does not go well)
No mention of budget, but, Devialet class D are very compact and have a superb reputation for versatility, reliability and SQ.
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Forget the NAD D3020 for a pair of Mani-2 unless you want to throw 400 clams in the fryer and laugh as it cooks itself to death. Not even a contender for those Bruzzese beauties.

I had a pair years ago, having recently acquired a Wyred4Sound STI-500 those gems are back on my radar again. I would like to see how they would match up with this integrated. It is low profile in height but standard dimensions the rest of the way around (minus the hernia weight) with 250/550 wpc of power. Electricity sipping compared to the old Krell gear, as well as not being space heaters. Excellent grip on several speakers I have on hand. I never thought I would go from Krell to class D but I did and not the least bit bothered by it.