Caps for tweeters under $300

I acquired a pair of LSA 2's in a trade, had the ribbon tweeter floorstander version in the past and always liked LSA sound. These aren't my main speakers so experimenting is not such a big concern just can't blow to much $ on them. They came with stock standard soft dome and ring radiator from seller. I'm using ring radiator which is known to be a little tipped up. I had to decrease resistor value to balance everything, now sounds better than soft dome.  Then I tried to save money and put  4.7 and 8.2 Sonicap, there very detailed but don't find them musical or a good match with ring radiator. I did put a path resistor on tweeters and mills everywhere else, and a solid copper rewire. I would like to make them very smooth relaxed but sill detailed. Will be used with el84 amp. I'm new to speaker modding so could use any guidance or help. The one's I'm looking at are mundorf supreme around $170 or Clarity cap at $270. I could add a 1. Mundorf S/G bypass caps to Mundorf for$100 and still be at Clarity cap price point. I'm just not sure about bypass concept for good or bad. I'm open to any suggestions, thanks for any help.

I was wrong, the Miflex aluminum was aroun $350 for 4 caps, the copper is around $900 for the 4 I need. Back to the drawing board, right now I leaning toward Clarity CMR just scared it may be bright or analytical. 
Wimas are super over sold.

Paul, CMR is NOT bright or analytical.

If you are using values over 5uF, use an Audyn TruCopper 0.1uF bypass cap.

The CSA is also not a bad cap at all if you want to save.
Oversold by people who build great gear
since 1977
not a fad
still around building award and show winning speakers and amplifiers..x

But as I peer under the hood of just some of my gear, seems like WIMA keep pretty good oversold company: Brinkmann, Aesthetix. Vandersteen........all use bypassed WIMA

there are of course alternatives