I have a good ear, picky about my sound but not the income to jusify a levenson or better. I never will. I love music of all types and since a teen have followed stereo review and other mags. I now follow the web. What hi-fi and try to keep up on the latest gear I can and cannot afford. Over the years I have heard really great systems. The best I remember was a Mark Levenson mono block system playing from a lynn sondek back in the late 70's. I have found, and only my opinion with my home systems when you have $2,000 - $3000 system it takes a significant amount of investment to get that small bump in quality of sound that makes you go wow! Significant for me is over $1,000. But it is a personal financial decision if the "wow" is worth the double or triple price tag? Or if you can still have a thrill off the other lower priced system? Or could this all boil down to perzdx onal taste? The next system I have will most likey last me till life end. The preamp, power amp I use now is 40 and 45 years old. I do not need to change systems just to do it. I simply love listening and experiencing music. I like dynamics, low end authority, crisp highs smooth mids as my ears hear it. I wonder if the majority of music lovers and Hi Fi enthusiasts could tell much difference between a $2'000 pair of speakers $20,000, $50,000 or $100,000? The same goes with the electronics. My experience has been your sound system is no better than it weakest link which is usually room accoustics. It is beyond my imagination the cost of some of these systems. It would be a thrill and a life experience I am sure if an average guy like me could tour home like settings and hear for myself these esoteric systems. I am so happy those more fortune than myself can share the knowlege and experience they have with excellent products and some that we also can afford. Thank you again!