Why chase your tail
Make sure you also have Audio Quest DBS working for you
Bill Lowe AQ and Vandersteen co patented this design bi wire speaker cables and interconnects with the Vandersteens is a must.
The latest 2CE Sig 2 will easily outperform a 2 way cuties box especially when the lights go out.
Most woman when performance matters pick the Vandersteen faster then their nervous Nellie boy worrying what fashion police thinks as their right brain doesn't enter into analysis paralysis.
Vandy"s form following function, performance, allows the beauty of the music to win out especially in the dark .
Best JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer
Make sure you also have Audio Quest DBS working for you
Bill Lowe AQ and Vandersteen co patented this design bi wire speaker cables and interconnects with the Vandersteens is a must.
The latest 2CE Sig 2 will easily outperform a 2 way cuties box especially when the lights go out.
Most woman when performance matters pick the Vandersteen faster then their nervous Nellie boy worrying what fashion police thinks as their right brain doesn't enter into analysis paralysis.
Vandy"s form following function, performance, allows the beauty of the music to win out especially in the dark .
Best JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer