Vandersteen 2ce sig ii vs Devore 0/93

Just curious if anyone has heard these two on the same system in the same room. I am guessing the 0/93 would or should be a huge setup up. I am running Atma-Sphere MA-1 silvers and a UV-1 with Bel Canto Dac 3. So power isn’t an issues with the vandies. reason I ask is that I am looking to move up from the 2ce sig ii. Devore and Daedalus is on my radar... 
Treo CT
and yes, i have heard all 3 but not in the same system
of course, i am biased
Lol, I do respect your opinion.... I love my 2ce sig ii with my Atma-Spheres.... The Treo CT is pretty inefficient.... Although I do have 140 watts to play with. Could use zeros to extend Tube life...