Vandersteen 2ce sig ii vs Devore 0/93

Just curious if anyone has heard these two on the same system in the same room. I am guessing the 0/93 would or should be a huge setup up. I am running Atma-Sphere MA-1 silvers and a UV-1 with Bel Canto Dac 3. So power isn’t an issues with the vandies. reason I ask is that I am looking to move up from the 2ce sig ii. Devore and Daedalus is on my radar... 
Treo CT
and yes, i have heard all 3 but not in the same system
of course, i am biased
Lol, I do respect your opinion.... I love my 2ce sig ii with my Atma-Spheres.... The Treo CT is pretty inefficient.... Although I do have 140 watts to play with. Could use zeros to extend Tube life... 

The Treo are a big step up from the 3 and the 2Ci.

We heard the Dedilus at CAP and they were okay loudspeakers.

The Devores are really impressive very musical and obviously efficient with stunning wood work.

You may want to also check out Legacy loudspeakers they are a fantastic buy and are very efficeint with models ranging from 92 t- 95db efficient and they love tubes big rich Vandy like sound.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Legacy dealers