Daedolous Muse V2

I recently ran into an old friend who suggested I look into the Daedolous Muse V2.  I am an old Spendor SP1 fan and looking for an update.  I found the new Spendors a bit bright.  Also listened to the Harbeth SHL 5 and found  it a bit weak in the bass and surprisingly a little bright.  Has anyone heard the Daedolous Muse?  Would it fit into the old Spendor  tonality?  Running a tube amp ( Leben).  Also considering the Prana Vayus, Devore 93 and maybe Proac D30R ( if I can find one to listen to).
I have the SP1s.
i too found the O93 kind of blah.
i plan to check out the audio note ANe, and JM Reynaud .  Can’t find the Vienna Acoustic; also I think they need more power than my Leben puts out.
Thanks for the advice!
open to other suggestions too
ATC ? 
ATC SCM20 or 19 are dynamic and nice, i.e., they image superbly, the frequency extension is very good with expected limitations in the bass, clarity and realism. The 20 are easily are more realistic and more dynamic than your SP1s (which are nice spkrs, I used to have them). OTOH, I donl;t know if you can drive them adequately with your amp
I too have a pair of Daedalus  "Argos V2 ", very fine well built and very easy to drive with almost any amp.  As stated above, Audio Circle is the best resource on Lou ' s speakers. Good luck in your search!
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