Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
Rebbi, Charles,

Understand. I think I thought I was beating a dead horse, glad the recommendation was well considered. Great that you had correspondence with Tim Smith, Eric and so forth. Rebbi, I think you made a superlative choice with the AN Kit-1. I believe everyone on thread was civil, attempting to be helpful. Great thread. Best.
I have had some off corespondence with Tim and I think highly of his reviewing skills. He has a good ear and taste IMO. I think our listening preferences are very similar, his frequent references to jazz guitar chords and harmony I completely understand. His comments regarding sound heard at the Toronto show mirror mine per CES visits over the years. Ultra priced products don't always equal better sound quality. I agree with him that some of the lesser known,less costly rooms have the better music reproduction sometimes. Anyway his recommendations would get my attention.
Rebbi - If you still want to hear my Tektons in your space after you get your amp sorted out I'm certain that can be arranged...just let me know.
Smith certainly got my attention. I believe he is among the best Reviewers out there, extremely complete and thorough. That Coincident review was so right on to these ears. I ultimately, after much listening, switched my preference from the Sylvania 6SL7 WGT Mil Spec to the RCA Red Base 5691. His Tekton, Wall of Sound review was frankly, another well written accurate piece of review journalism. Kudos!
Sebrof, you are a kind person, kudos to you too!

Charles, all you state is true. The small guys that create superb products in audio have a huge upward climb. Many can't afford to a attend the major shows or place ads in publications. In the small shops like Eric's, who builds the speakers and runs the business while you're gone? Any small mis-step can ruin these types of company.