Isn’t it a matter of too much bass extension, exciting some room modes (say, below 30 Hz) that other less extended speakers wouldn’t touch? Because if this is all the problem and, let’s say, D30RS extends to 30 Hz and D48R extends to 20 Hz, then the problem would only be apparent with recordings with significant content between 20 and 30 Hz - and there’s not a lot of it in the music I’m listening except for the symphonic (occasionally) and organ music. I have a feeling that I’m on thin ice here...
Also, can this "too big a speaker for the room" problem be addressed with some room treatment? All this guesswork is worrying me as this is not the kind of expense I’m likely to be able to repeat in the foreseeable future. Some people recommend mini monitors like Dynaudio Special 40 for a space like mine, others are cramming Harbeth 40.2 and the like and declare themselves very satisfied...
Finally, to return to my original question, between D30RS and D7 what would you choose for piano reproduction and why? I care a lot about timbre and especially that tactile, percussive quality of the upper range of the piano I tried to described above.