Old German turntable

The ELAC Miracord 50. Anyone have one, heard one or are familiar with one?
But I did pack the Miracord and had it sent along with most of my HiFi gear to Florida. Where it still sits (headshell-less) in storage! 
The Miracord 50 is an excellent rim-drive TT (like a Dual). It has a rather heavy tonearm - which I was planning to mount a Denon 103 on (probably a good match!). Should work well with low-compliance MC's! Definitely a collectible TT - and good German engineering! Someday I will buy a new headshell and get it out of storage! 

I also have on hand: 2 Dual's (1209 and 1229), a Garrard Lab 80, a Bogen/Lenco, and a Kenwood. All rim-drive. Along with 4 Empires, a Rek-O-Kut, a Fairchild, a VPI HW-19 and a Saul Marantz ST-7 linear-track. These are all belt-drive. And the list goes on ... I like collecting TT's and cartridges!
Just remembered that I have another rim-drive Rek-O-Kut (arm-less) in storage! And I would buy another Miracord if the price was right!
@roberjerman Great posts. Nothing to add except to say I have a Rek-o-Kut B12GH waiting for some love.