Monitors to replace EPOS M-16i

Can I get suggestions on monitors or small floor-standing loudspeakers to replace a set of EPOS M-16i? I love their level of detail and resolution, but it seems like they're just a BIT too hot on the high end. If I could back off a little without sacrificing too much of their revealing nature, I'd be happy as a clam.

I tried a set of NHT Classic Threes, and they went too far in the other direction. This is primarily a 2-channel hifi system, but I periodically use it to check recording mixes, so tonal and dynamic accuracy is a must.

Associated equipment includes a Quad 909 amp, Acurus RL11 preamp, Cambridge 640c V2 source, and Hsu VTF-2 mk3 subwoofer. I'd also consider replacing the CD player. Budget is ~ $1K USD. Thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xja2austintx
Good ideas . . . what about Quad? Anyone have any experience with

11L2 + sub



??? Reviews seem glowing.

How might the 11L2 compare to an older Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MKII or the Ushers (including Tiny Dancers)?
Spendor 3/5's are what you are looking for. They go for about $600 used, $1400 new. They are a great monitor!
I should have made it clear that I am OK with (and prefer) gently used speakers.

Also, my room is probably bigger than average -- 14' x 22', with the system on the short wall and the listening position roughly midway down the room. (I try to avoid EXACTLY midway down the room for acoustic modal reasons, but furniture has a way of not cooperating.)
I'm surprised you have an issue with hf prominence using the Quad 909. That said, the Quad 12L has a "quiet" clean sounding tweeter, but (in my experience) it seems to have a recessed midrange compared to other speakers I had at the time. For me, the 12Ls sounded great, but when switching back to other speakers I had that "oh yeah" moment. The 11L might be more open in the mids, haven't heard them. Sounds like you need to look at soft dome speakers, although I feel that manufacturers like Totem, Alon, and PMC have done great work with metal.