Monitors to replace EPOS M-16i

Can I get suggestions on monitors or small floor-standing loudspeakers to replace a set of EPOS M-16i? I love their level of detail and resolution, but it seems like they're just a BIT too hot on the high end. If I could back off a little without sacrificing too much of their revealing nature, I'd be happy as a clam.

I tried a set of NHT Classic Threes, and they went too far in the other direction. This is primarily a 2-channel hifi system, but I periodically use it to check recording mixes, so tonal and dynamic accuracy is a must.

Associated equipment includes a Quad 909 amp, Acurus RL11 preamp, Cambridge 640c V2 source, and Hsu VTF-2 mk3 subwoofer. I'd also consider replacing the CD player. Budget is ~ $1K USD. Thanks!
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I also have a 640Cv2 CDP. It is a detail champ with a fairly flat frequency response for the money, but benefits from good synergy with other gear. I listened to my player with some excellent Moon electronics, Dynaudio Contour speakers and Shunyata wires (some wires costing significantly more than the player) and it was shocking how good the Cambridge performed in that company.

My system with more modest electronics and speakers can sound a bit forward at times, but I prefer the resolution of the Cambridge to other players in its price range (including Arcam). I bought a Shunyata Diamondback power cable after the demo referenced above and that helped every aspect of the 640C's performance (couldn't justify spending more than the player cost on a PC - even though it sounded better). I also ditched several more expensive IC cables for the previous generation of the current Radio Shack Auvio's (RS Fusion's actually) because I feel they work better with the Cambridge and my modified AMC amp. I really like these wires and think they are a screaming deal at around $20.

I'm not sure the budget V-DAC is the answer given the quality of your other gear - I would try before you buy. Or try some different wires (including an aftermarket power cable if you don't already have one), and save major money for a stand alone DAC that is really a lot better than the two already used in the Cambridge. I have often thought the 640Cv2 would make a good transport for something like the Berkley or Bryston.

I have heard the Epos M16i's with Naim electronics and it was a really good combination to my ear, nicely balanced and fairly neutral, showcasing the Naim's PRAT and musicality. I prefered the combination to Naim's own speakers and several Totem tower's, only prefering the much more expensive Totem Forest in that particular setup. I would think your Quad amp would be a good match for the Epos as well. Do you usually play the Epos with the grills on by the way? That might help tame the treble a bit - and how much have you fooled around with speaker placement and listening position? In any case, if none of those suggestions work, the Cambridge CDP may ultimately make you happier matched with a silk dome tweeter rather than the metal one in the Epos.

The Quad 22L2 has more bass and may suffice in your room without a sub. I really, really like the 21L2, and I think you gain some coherence with one fewer driver and crossover. But it may not do in your room, especially without a sub. The Quad towers also sounded great to me with Naim electronics - almost as good as Devore 8's which I was comparing at the time and cost a good bit more. And the fit and finish of the Quad's is ridiculously good for the prices asked - Chinese manufacturing at its very best...

Good luck
My suggestion...go tubes!! Get a nice tube preamp, throw in some NOS tubes and go from there!!

I have the M5i's, and even though I have them up for sale, they are still 100 times better sounding on tubes then on solid state!!

And, btw, the reason they are up for sale is that I do want to take that one suggestion and try an LS3/5A clone :)

Other than that I found them to be much better than most that I've tried in that price range. If I could afford to keep them and still get a clone, I will...simple as that LOL!!
While I have enjoyed CJ tube preamps in the past, I am trying to keep this system balanced towards just maybe a BIT more euphonic than "neutral". Tubes take it too far, in my estimation (but oh how they sound!). (I do a little recording and mixing now and then, so it's nice to have a "mix check" system I can rely on. I mix through NHT Pro nearfields, and while they're great at what they do, they're not 100% reliable. I doubt any nearfields are.)
Knownothing (ironic name!), I do play the Epos with the grills on, and I have messed around with room placement quite extensively. Toed-in seems to give the most balanced presentation, but it's still not quite "flat".

I think I may jump on a pair of Quad 22L2 and hope I can sell the subwoofer. (Knowing me, I'll probably keep it in case I pull the trigger on a pair of Maggie MMG that I've always wanted to try. I'm hopeless.)
My experience is limited (I haven't heard the Epos M16i, for starters), but I had Quad 11Ls and now Dynaudio X12s in a room exactly the same size as yours, set up in the same less-than-deal way. I loved the Quads with a Music Hall cdp and amp, but when I switched to Naim electronics, I found them warm and a bit fuzzy. A good deal on the Dynaudios prompted me to try them, and I think they're fantastic. I can't speak to other models, but the X12s are revealing without being harsh and the bass is shockingly good for small monitors. For me, they're fast and detailed but not too forward. Maybe worth a try ...