Monitors to replace EPOS M-16i

Can I get suggestions on monitors or small floor-standing loudspeakers to replace a set of EPOS M-16i? I love their level of detail and resolution, but it seems like they're just a BIT too hot on the high end. If I could back off a little without sacrificing too much of their revealing nature, I'd be happy as a clam.

I tried a set of NHT Classic Threes, and they went too far in the other direction. This is primarily a 2-channel hifi system, but I periodically use it to check recording mixes, so tonal and dynamic accuracy is a must.

Associated equipment includes a Quad 909 amp, Acurus RL11 preamp, Cambridge 640c V2 source, and Hsu VTF-2 mk3 subwoofer. I'd also consider replacing the CD player. Budget is ~ $1K USD. Thanks!
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UPDATE: got the 22L2s in yesterday, and so far so good. They aren't broken in yet, but I feel like they're definitely a step in the direction I was wanting to head. Plenty of detail, but not quite so much high end emphasis. So far, they don't throw as wide a soundstage as the Epos M16i, but things are more "solid" (no doubt due in part to the extra octave on the bottom end).

They are also quite beautiful to look at. I bought them from lanemart, who sometimes sells Quad here on audiogon, and got them for $775 because of a tiny blemish down low on one sidewall. I couldn't recommend his service more highly, and Quad actually vouched for him, too.

Can't wait to hear if things change as they break in. Thanks for all the help,

Thanks for the update. I have a really lively room and will be looking for a good speaker match with my Cambridge CDP. Interested in your experiences.
My room leans to the bright side of neutral, as it is carpeted but has no acoustic treatment on the walls. (Go figure -- I have a masters degree in acoustics.) I am really starting to think I hit on a nice combination here. The Quad amp and 22L2 speakers have a nice rich tonal balance that seems to complement the Cambridge Audio CD player very nicely. I've only been running the speakers in using a DISH network classical channel, so I haven't done more truly serious listening, except for a few roots rock CDs the other day, but there is no doubt in my mind that I now have a more tonally neutral system at this point. I think I'm convincing myself that the soundstage is getting a bit wider, but that could be a placebo effect (and recording-dependent as well).
Nice to hear that you are enjoying the 22L2s. I've been going through a number of adjustments with mine and I find that, at least in my listening room, imaging and soundstage is best when they are about 10-12 feet apart, a couple of feet off the back wall, and completely parallel to each other (no toe-in). Enjoy!