Salk speaker sound

I am researching a purchase for new speaker to use with a Leben cs 600 tube amplifier.  I was recently referred to Salk Audio.  I am primarily looking for a musical speaker with good detail but not too bright or fatiguing.  I appreciate a good midrange as well.  The Salk speakers sound great on paper and in the forums. I wonder if anyone can share their experiences and describe the Salk sound.  I will likely be looking at the Song 3 Encores and the SS 9.5s.  May see if the models with ribbon tweeters would work with my amplifier as well.
I was also curious about the Salk Audio speakers and did a little research. Aside from the potential feedback from the folks on this site, I particularly found the input from the Salk Audio itself on the Audiocircle site very helpful. I've not heard your amp but it seems like the Song3 is a great "compromise" among the various Song models for the type of music I listen to; jazz, blues, folk. For rock, most recommend the Encore for its better bass response. 
So this is really, really weird. Have you ever had one of those coincidences in life that just make your jaw drop? I literally was just having this conversation over email with Jim Salk the last couple days. Here are his replies of the SS9.5's vs. Song3 Encores I was initially interested in the HT3's..........Here's Jim.....

"Speakers I would recommend looking include the Song3’s, Song3-A’s and Song3 BeAT’s. These do not play quite as deep as the HT3’s, but still get down to 33Hz.   The Song3 Encores play just as deep as the HT3’s but are much easier to drive".

Then he states......

Of course, the ultimate speaker in this sensitivity range would be the new SS 9.5’s, although they may break your budget. 

I let him know that while the SS 9.5's would be doable, I would rather not have to spend quite so much on speakers. I thought the Encores would be more within my price point.

He then stated......

"Yes. Think of the Encores as an SS 9.5 with a few bells and whistles eliminated. They use the same woofer and tweeter. It may even be possible to produce a version of the Encores with the same midrange as well."

I then asked if this would require a custom crossover and he told me....

"They would probably not need a custom crossover. We would simply build the same speaker with a front port and no open back midrange."

So there you have it. A summary of my recent exchange with Jim. Send him an email and mention this comparison. I'm sure he will be surprised as well. I am seriously considering the Encore's but of course I am going to listen to them first.