Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?

My new Luxman PD-171 A TT weighs around 55 lbs. and it sits on a heavy audio stand. The floor is carpeted w/a cement base. Prior to this TT I had a Linn w/was much more sensitive and didn't need an additional stand. I wonder if adding an isolation platform would be beneficial to my current TT. I was looking at Butcher Block Acoustics and MDF W/Lead Core and Sorbothane Feet.
@luxmancl38, although I’m a great believer in isolation I wouldn’t try too hard in your case. The PD 171 is already one hell of a record deck.

Your existing stand/concrete floor will filter most of the higher level seismic garbage (a la Technics SP10 stands of yore). The decks own isolation system will do most of the rest. To go further you might need more than sorbothane ie high compliance springs. But then you risk lateral stability issues.

Taken from their website


Under-slung system

All major parts are attached to a 15mm thick aluminum plate which connects to the main chassis by our original under-slung (hanging) method, successfully achieving both high rigidity and vibration damping.

The motor and the power supply transformer, which can cause vibration, are attached using floating mounts to achieve a higher signal to noise ratio.

Four large caliber spring-and-rubber insulator feet directly connected to the chassis prevent feedback and external vibration transmission.

In addition, the hybrid vibration damping structure of the metal chassis and wooden exterior contributes to a high level of sound quality.

Both the vibraplane and my Nimbus single airspring platform of yore employed “underslung masses” to achieve very low Fr isolation and lateral stability. The Nimbus also employed a large aux air canister to boost the effectiveness of the single relatively small air spring. An air spring on steroids. Most iso stands cannot isolate in the rotational directions, which are also important. Isolation effectiveness is proportional to the ease of motion in a particular direction.
According to the last two posts it seems the the Luxman has a built in Isolation system w/the spring insulator feet. I wonder putting this TT on a block w/more isolators would diminish the sound. Any thoughts and opinions.
The problem for two stacked iso (spring) systems is they will interfere if the Fr resonant frequencies are close to each other. My Nirvana 2 stage isolation base has two stacked heavy mass-on-spring layers, where the Fr for each stage is predetermined to not be close enough to interfere. The lower layer of springs supports a much higher load than the top layer of springs. If two spring systems are arbitrarily stacked it will be like a car going down the road with two shock absorbers per wheel. It would not be smoother, it would be very bumpy.
I have always found that the more rigid the support, the tighter, more incisive and clearer the sound. Damping of the support by using wood or "absorbers" softens the sound. Marble and glass sounds etched while oak sounds warm etc. I'm old school and have to be convinced otherwise but spikes, cones and inertia allow the table to be as fixed as possible.


Which is why I built this.

Which all I know for sure is it was a big improvement over the floor.