Best earphone for the value

I bought the earphone after reading rave review on it.

SoundMagic E11C review | What Hi-Fi?

The review is spot on.

The most remarkable difference between this and free earphone distributed by Delta Airline is detailed treble.

I also compared this with Grado SR80E headphone that I have.

Grado have slightly more open bass but this one seems to have more details.

Due to the limitation of luggage, I would rather bring earphone than regular headphone  for long travel.

This one fit my need at the cost of 60$.

I found that the music through Youtube or Amazon prime using SoundMAGIC E11C earphones is quite enjoyable.

I highly recommend this for travel.

I also own a pair of Be's, Ti's and their Nickel headphone amp.  The Be's are not quite as good as the CA Lyra II's.  At half the price, they are a real bargain.  In addition, they don't require a headphone amp to make them sing; you can just plug them into your phone and enjoy.  When I use the Lyra II's, I have to use a headphone amp to get the most out of them.  

Hope this helps,
BTW - Underwood HiFi (Underwood Wally here) has the Be's on sale for $259 delivered.
@ prpixel

Periodic Audio Be and CA Io are almost same price around 300$.

I may want to try one of them.

Do you have any preference between them?

You may not have tried CA Io yourself but you know their lineage sound.

Thanks a lot in advance

I haven't heard the CA Io and because it uses dual Balanced Armatures, I don't know if it will have the same sound signature of the CA IEM's that use dynamic drivers or hybrid designs.  A lot of people love the CA Andromeda's, and they've developed a quite a following.  

I do own the 12 Balanced Armature JH Audio Layla's.  They are very good, but not my go to IEM's.  It's hard to make an analogue here.  I guess it just comes down to personal preference.  

The build quality of the CA's are better than the Periodic's.  The Periodic Be's should be slightly easier to drive than the CA Io's.  It's easier to get a good fit with the Periodic than the CA's.  The Ca's really require a deep fit to sound there best.  Sometimes I have to fiddle with them to get them to fit just right.   If you don't get the fit correct they can be a little uncomfortable over time.  The Periodic's are real easy to insert in your ears and they are more comfortable over a longer period of time.  Disclaimer: I have small ears and your experience may be different.

It's really going to come down to your personal preference.  I would recommend that you try before you buy.  CA has a 15 days from receipt, no questions ask, return policy.  I believe Periodic has a 30 day return policy.  

I hope this helps, but I've probably just made the decision harder.
@shkong78 you really need to try them to see, this is where attending an audio show like the upcoming T.H.E. Show in LA is a good idea so you can see and try a bunch of options.