Bought some `Vintage Gear`

On a whim and a hunch, I bought some old gear locally. 

Marantz 500 Amp
Marantz 3300 preamp
JBL L200B Speakers

The gear is 46 years be old!!!

It sounds WAY better than I thought. I had a blast tonight. Played it for wife and kids (who think this hobby is rediculous) and they were super impressed.

Anyone every had a similar experience? 

Maybe bc will get a reel to reel next

My current system is a mix of vintage and modern and it sounds awesome! Acoustic Research ES-1, Ortofon 2M Bronze, Ayre C-5xemp disc player, Adcom GFT 555 II, Dynaco SCA-35 (updated and modified), Dynaco ST-70 (updated and modified), Revel performa M20
Still use my B&O Beogram Turntable. Works like the day it was made, which was a long long time ago ...
I enjoyed my Harman Kardon PM 665 VIXI integrated, Sansui TU717 and AU717 tuner/integrated, and Boston Acoustics A100 for 25+ years.  Still got the Bostons, the HK and Sansui are in need of repairs that are prohibitive ...but I must say, after listening to the newer equipment (KEF R100, Focal, Dynaudio along with NAIM power) I miss the friendlier sound of the vintage stuff.  My ears aren't that refined that I want to chase the last electron of musical information so hats off to the folks that have the ability to discern such minute differences.  I still prefer the older equipment - maybe it's the build quality and heft of the controls, the visual reinforcement of heavy, solid equipment. 
I went back to some vintage stuff: 
Scott 460A, looking brand new, 40Years old!
Technics SL1210 MkII
Technics RS1500 US about 40Years old too.
I had a pair of Bose 301 II but my partner found them ugly and don't want to see them, so I got a pair of KEF Q550 which are pretty good.

I am quite satisfied overall but I'd like to try a more serious amp. I'm amazed to see that no one I mentioned my amp has heard about Scott in the UK. I thought they were pretty big in the 70's in the US though. Not sure if it compares to Marantz or Luxman. The best I ever used was a Setton Preamp+Amp PS5500 and BS5500. Extremely rare now.