Bought some `Vintage Gear`

On a whim and a hunch, I bought some old gear locally. 

Marantz 500 Amp
Marantz 3300 preamp
JBL L200B Speakers

The gear is 46 years be old!!!

It sounds WAY better than I thought. I had a blast tonight. Played it for wife and kids (who think this hobby is rediculous) and they were super impressed.

Anyone every had a similar experience? 

Maybe bc will get a reel to reel next

Nice! Love the vintage stuff. I’m working on my own collection of old junk. 😀
I bought a new 3300 Preamp and 120 Tuner from Marantz back in the 70's. Besides sounding great you had the secondary benefit of a beautiful look. Enjoy!!
I have the Marantz 3300, pair of JBL 4430's driven by a Music Reference RM 9 Tube amp. Nothing beats vintage audio equipment IMO. The 3300 is a great Preamp. I have a Teac A-3440 Reel to Reel which I rarely use. I also have a Pioneer CT-950 High end cassette deck also rarely used. I recommend finding a Sony CDR W33 if you can find one. You can burn your own CD's with that. It's also a very good sounding unit.
@pawlowski6132 : Right now at this moment I am listening to All Night Jazz (89.7 FM, WUSF Tampa) through a Mitsubishi (aka Diatone) DA-F10 tuner. Preamp is an RGR 4 and amp is a GAS Son of Ampzilla. Speakers are late-production DCM Time Windows (52779, 52780). I had the exact same system back in 1978! Then, I bought it all new! Now, of course, it is all secondhand. Cost ($120 + $200 + $400 + $219) = $939 + shipping. Wonderful sound! This is in addition to the 3 rooms full of vintage gear in storage! 
The rarest tube amps I have are the pair of Futterman H3AA's, along with the Harvard Music Futterman H3 stereo OTL.