Best integrated/power amplifier under $6000

Looking for either a power amp or integrated amplifier with at least 150 watts in 8 ohms for under $6000- new or slightly used. What would you recommend? I would be using my own DAC with volume control - so just need either a power amp or intergrated without a DAC. Please share your recommendations for the best amp you have heard which meets the above requirements. 

Thank you
Lots of choices available. Are you flexible on new or used? What do you most want in an integrated? Dac? Balanced inputs? I like like Pass Labs, Plinius, Simaudio, Krell and Classe depending on what your going for. It's nice to have lots of reserve power for better bass definition.  
If you can push your budget a bit Mark Levinson just released the 8502 for about 7k. I have not heard them but have heard some earlier models and they were very good and usually gets good reviews.
All good reco's ....I own a musical fidelity m6si.  Great design and build.  It's solid state.  Basically 2 mono blocks in one chassis connected to same board.  Best of both worlds.

If I had to got tube I would go prima luna dialogue
Good luck.