SOTA had inquired about producing the Eagle PSU that would be compatible with existing 120VAC synch motors and they are free to pursue that option if it makes sense. When I originally discussed this with Christian, we came to the conclusion that it made more sense to offer the 3 phase Condor PSU matched with a MUCH better motor for $725, than to offer a good PSU for $600 to drive a mediocre motor.
The RR tach is offered as a stand-alone option for use on any table. Check with SOTA for details, but I believe the motor will be offered as an upgrade into existing plinths/SAMAs as well as with a SOTA SAMA (stand-alone motor assembly).
Why go steerage when you can ride first class for $125 more?
The RR tach is offered as a stand-alone option for use on any table. Check with SOTA for details, but I believe the motor will be offered as an upgrade into existing plinths/SAMAs as well as with a SOTA SAMA (stand-alone motor assembly).
Why go steerage when you can ride first class for $125 more?