Shocked removed spikes, used blue tack, what other non spike footer

My floor standing speakers, monitor stands always came with spikes so I used them always, it's the way they were designed at least I thought. I know everyone can't do this because of there floor type, mine is hardwood over concrete slab. Bass, more natural tone( I'm a tone junkie)  gives the music a nice rhythm, may just be flavor of month but I'm really enjoying it. Highs maybe little rolled off, I just did it yesterday, maybe not as hifi, but no lose of information. Have other people experienced this.Can someone with my floor type suggest a nice reasonable priced non spiked footer, these are floorstander filled with shot so pretty heavy,maybe 70- 80 lb. thanks

For me Vibrapod do a great improvement (compare to spikes) under my 80 pound speakers.  There is floating floor in my music room.  I made comparaison test with Gaïa II, and I return the Gaïa.


This is what sometimes happens when a manufacturer shows up all of a sudden to gush (at length) over his product (spikes) before reading the OP that specifically pointed out spikes were not all that in his system.

If I offended the OP, he or she is welcome to delete my post but you have to agree, a lot of conversation here addresses spikes so I offered up a few facts defining the differences between them. We call that information sharing. If the OP contacts us, we would be willing to send some samples in order to hear exactly what those unmistakable differences are and improve upon his or her sound at the same time.  

Maybe the band of intellects the manufacturer referred to would be happy to see how isolation and damping have progressed in the past fifty years. Well, maybe they wouldn’t, how the hell would I know?

The band I refer to were responsible for the oversight in building the world’s first transistor production line. Obviously their genius was definitely ahead of their time. I saw microscopes everywhere so there is no doubt they knew more than most with regards to isolation techniques - of this I am sure.

These guys were some of our audio forefathers and my first mentors. I have no doubt they would be happy to see how far isolation has evolved. Anything that improved cymbal decay, depth of voice and instrumentation always put smiles on their faces as these guys loved listening well into their eighties. Pretty cool stuff…  


Having tried numerous methods on various speakers, I’ve found mostly the same results mention above . My .02 regarding the “ Blue Pads “ is with my JBL 4412A’s as used on Sound Anchor stands . I found them to be helpful with bass , clarity and imaging . However the Sound Anchors are big , heavy and solid . This was probably the greatest part of my results . The bad is that the Blue Pads , over time distorted and the oils in them left stains on the Walnut veneer. So keep an eye on your floor finish . Cheers , Mike . 
After spending countless hours listening and experimenting with various feet/footers the stock spikes my Tannoy Cheviot's came with sitting on Herbies sitting on a hardwood floor won hands down.
Audiopoints, I enjoy any insight and enjoyed your post, I do not want to remove informative information from anyone. I'm still in the dark on what to use. If there is a different spike that would not lean out speaker I'm open to it. If there is a rubber type product, I would like to know. I just don't want to buy I pile of footers and find it does no better than $3.00 blue tak. Damaging floor with blue tak is a concern. The only non spike products I know are vibration pods and herbies. The Gaia at $600 is a big gamble. I'm open to contacting audiopoint or they can pm me. I'm still in same place when I started this thread, blue tak still under my speakers.