Need a preamp?

Hi all, 

I have an older Cary tube preamp and a Bob Latino ST70 with a built in attenuator driving a pair of Proac D30R. The combo seems to be a tad too warm so I tried using the amp without the preamp and it seems to sound better with a wider soundstage and more extended highs. I have a phono amp also so I can also listen to LPs and cds. Is there a reason I need a preamp other than the convenience of switching between the two?  Would a ss preamp or passive preamp add to the sound?  I presume any preamp would only degrade the quality and can't make it better than it is. 


As I already suggested to the OP.

Just use the built in attenuator as the volume control, and use an input switch box, like this

If he doesn’t want to use them the next best is to turn them up full.

Use the $49 Schiit Sys, which has input switching, is 10kohm and a great match for his 270kohm input ST70 with 1v input sensitivity for full output.

And especially better again if the internal volume controls of the ST70 are completely bypassed.

The ultimate is go direct, and to use the source volume control if used at or above 75%, if not use the Schiit Sys as a preset so the source volume can be used at >75% with it’s remote control.

Cheers George
So I got the Schiit sys but it seemed to have muted the top end. Didn't sound as lively even with the volume turned all the way up. Waiting for my switch box to see how that performs (or ideally not perform 😉). Currently I have my itune from MacBook airplay to airport express and optical link to dacmagic and then directly to the amp. Using the itune volume control, I'm running amp at full volume. This has given me the best sound to my ear at least.  Unfortunately,  the airplay limits transfer to 44khz so best I can get is 16/44 and not the higher resolution files.
So I got the Schiit sys but it seemed to have muted the top end. Didn't sound as lively even with the volume turned all the way up.
This is also a common complaint of passive controls. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the switchbox.
Ralph, any downside to source switching with CMOS electronic switches instead of relays?