Cardas recommended clear reflection internal biwired configuration 30 ft as an ideal capacitance load for the amp and tonal balance match for the blade 2 speaker.... looking for more advice
Electrical parameters aren’t specified for Clear Reflection at the Cardas site, but what leads me to question that recommendation is that generally speaking I would expect a biwired cable to present approximately twice as much capacitance to the amplifier as a similar non-biwired cable. And possibly somewhat more than that in the case of an internal biwire, depending on its construction.
Although in looking at pricing for the cable at The Cable Company site it appears that while a 30 foot length of that cable will cost around $8K for a stereo pair, specifying "biwire" appears to add only $200 to the price, and that is regardless of length. Which leaves me puzzled as to what the difference is between the biwired and non-biwired versions of that cable. Or would the approximately $8K + $200 be multiplied by 2 for a stereo pair of biwired cables, bringing the total to around $16K? That doesn’t seem "clear," pun intended :-)
-- Al