I want a streamer

I want a music streamer, don't need a dac. Suggestions please! 
I use to have a Bluesound Node 2 and was very happy. I since got rid of it since ROON has Qobuz. I just go direct USB to my dac. The internal DAC of the Node2 is excellent for the price. I believe Bluesound and NAD are pretty tight, so maybe some crossover tech
Please get a LUMIN A1- you will not believe the sound quality - stream Tidal and download any MQA music file! I use the Apple interface to control the LUMIN. It is very user friendly.  I recommend Diana Krall, Judy Collins , any vocal you like. The resolution , sound stage, high end - thru my Magnepans is unbelievable!! Vinyl and CDs are in big trouble. Streaming has reached a level using MQA that is amazing - and LUMIN is top of the line in delivering this quality to the home audiophile.
I had the Bluesound Node and found it good until I tried and purchased the Lumiin D2 streamer. If you can swing the $2300.00 new I feel it's worth it. You may find it used but it won't last long on the used market.
Happy birthday