Best earphone for the value

I bought the earphone after reading rave review on it.

SoundMagic E11C review | What Hi-Fi?

The review is spot on.

The most remarkable difference between this and free earphone distributed by Delta Airline is detailed treble.

I also compared this with Grado SR80E headphone that I have.

Grado have slightly more open bass but this one seems to have more details.

Due to the limitation of luggage, I would rather bring earphone than regular headphone  for long travel.

This one fit my need at the cost of 60$.

I found that the music through Youtube or Amazon prime using SoundMAGIC E11C earphones is quite enjoyable.

I highly recommend this for travel.


Your experience with SONY customer support is about the same as mine. I actually do not consider it exists. Not even warranty. If I buy something from them, I consider it a total loss when broken, regardless of when it happens. Calling them, even for warranty repair, is waste of time and nerves and is rarely worth the trouble. Well, little by little, I am taking similar approach with everything I buy. I wave the white flag. They win.

Earphones I mentioned are Japanese model and I am not in Japan so their warranty would not apply anyways. It makes me feel less of a loser to know that.
..another Entymotic user.....I've had these for about 10 years or so....always delivers music and isolates the surrounding noise.
With so many choices of nice earphones, it is hard to choose one for another audition.

Some of earphone has a good reliability record, while some other excellent sounding earphone may not have good reliability.

I am not considering any on ear headphone right now since it is going to take too much space during travel.

I am going to choose one more earphone to compare with the sound of SoundMagic at the end of this month.


Let us know the results, please. If you do not mind, could you pay really good attention to isolation from the outside sounds (to evaluate for flight/train-worthiness)?

Earphones are harder to get to audition. Over-the-ear can be found in many places, but earphones tend to stay in boxes.
After using Soundmagic 11 earphone with Dell Laptop for 1 week, I had got more favorable impression.

I am listening to the above Youtube music.

Violin sounds natural without too much overtone.

Orchestra sound also balanced.

With this kind of highend demo music, this one work well with natural details.

After going back to my home at the end of May, I will order one more earphone around 300$ from Amazon(it is easy to return using Amazon if I do not like it) to compare it  with Soundmagic.

But now I am quite happy with Soundmagic earphone for overall performance at 80$.
