Denon DNP-800NE Reviews?

$100 more than the Node 2i and no support for MQA, but still curious if anyone has heard one?
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Just received a 800 NE, and Airplay via Roon does work. Haven’t had any prior experience with AirPlay, but so far ( after 25 hours of initial burn in) it sounds..........quite good......
The HEOS control app leaves much to be desired, but with Roon via AirPlay, the poor app isn’t a issue. With more play time the 800 NE should get even better.......for 600.00 retail, it represents a nice alternative to the BLUESOUND NODE 2i, which I also have. The BLUESOUND app, however is much better. 
Hi @musicmann1 
i am also looking getting an  800NE and wanted to use it with roon

im just trying to get my head around how you use the two with airplay..

so roon app acting as a bridge? I.e. The app streams media from your nas or network running roon server and then streams it to 800NE

or does the 800ne stream directly from the roon server?

if its the 1st one i assume you phone needs to stay on the network whilst you're streamjng?

The Roon core that you will be using will recognize the Denon as an Roon endpoint via AIRPLAY, so you will be using the Roon App to send and control all your files to the Denon ( again via AirPlay).
@ bryhifi, I went with the Node 2i and paired it with a MHDT (16 bit input) Paradisea + since the majority of the strange music I listened to on Tidal wasn’t utilizing MQA. 
With this said, I’m still curious about this Denon alternative. Love to see a head-to-head between these two streamers. At the time of purchase of the Node, there just wasn’t too much information on the Denon...
Hello possibly this thread can help me.  New to the whole wireless music thing.  I have an ipod touch 6th gen full of my favorite playlists.  I am hoping to connect it to this Denon DNP-800NE via USB... and leave it there.   From local stereo amp or kitchen stereo or amazon show 8 I am wanting to hear my playlists.   Dont care if it is with Heos or Airplay... I just want to be able to use a remote or ask alexa to play my favorite tunes.   Has anybody done this with this product or another product ?