Jamming with JAMO?

I’ve recently heard some very different sounding, looking and operating speakers with respect to my standard cone & dome speaker history.

I like the cone & dome speakers as they seem to be able to introduce a greater impact or emphasis to the leading edge of the notes, and provide a more visceral feeling of the music itself as they appear to excite and pressurize the air in the room extraordinarily well. More jump. Slam. More bump and emotion.

These latest new designs, quite foreign to my past exp have some outstanding characteristics.

Of these were some ‘di pole ’ speakers… Scandinavian I think, and made by JAMO. The Ref 909, to be specific.

Their esthetic as well is exceptional. Natrually, the R-909 is too much for my room, but the 907… hmmmm… maybe.

Who else makes similar speakers to the JAMO 909… 907… etc.?

They come off sounding like what I’ve heard from some Panels , yet with more authority, more lifelike impact and wallop. Especially in the lower realms. The bottom end of the R909 in a quite large and open room was substantial and actually over the top till they were moved yet further into the room off their front wall. I was and still am quite impressed…. This is no easy feat either. I’ve become more cynical and maybe a bit jaded as time has passed on with regard to astonishing sonic reproduction.

In truth I think I’ve actually become more excited about audio as the result having experienced what these odd looking but impressive units can do with typical equipment. I’ve stumbled onto a direction I could enjoy for a very, very, long time… I suspect.

The only caveat or stumbling block I can forsee here is of course, the R907 pricepoint. The price my friend got his 909s for well... who wouldn't have boght them is all I can say. I'll p[robably not be as lucky.

Any info on this type of speaker production and who are making them would be immensely appreciated.
consider 'ohm'....different approach, viseral, and balanced as all get out...more affordable. a history.


thanks much... I was wondering if anyone would post them into this thread as a likewise speaker choice to the dipole design.

BTW... folks... DIY speakers probably are not going to be my particular spread.... well, not any more.
Did you buy R907/909 in the end? What do you think of them today? In 2019. 

Am I correct in thinking that these Jamo's have and explosive sound with amazing bass authority?
I am looking for something like that - I am not an audiophile and don't listen to jazz or classical but electronic music and want wow factor and dropping jaws every time I or my guests are listening to them.

I am currently on Mirage M3si but looking to upgrade even further (as they are really great). 

What do you think about these Jamo's now, from time perspective (as you commented about them in 2011 as the most impressive speakers you have ever heard). 


I just started a post a few weeks ago about speakers for a pool table room. Normally I would feel kinda bad about hijacking a thread but considering this is 8 years old .... 
You mention the Ohms are visceral? Can you explain that more? They are interesting to me and honestly I didnt even think of that kind of speaker before I read your post. It was between small standmounts on a bookshelf and in ceiling which would be a total pita since I dont have an attic above the room. I like acoustic, vocal and all that other audiophile stuff but in the end I am a rock metal guy so need to do that very well. Again sorry to break up the thread but the word visceral got my attention. Any feedback would be great. Ohm is order direct right? 

"I am looking for something like that - I am not an audiophile and don't listen to jazz or classical but electronic music and want wow factor and dropping jaws every time I or my guests are listening to them."

Old thread I know, but the R909s are extremely good at electronic music. Not only is the soundstage like a concert but kick drums and electronic bass sound huge and tight.

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