What a sad world we now live in.......

What a sad world.....

Had to go to our local Wal-Mart for something for the wife and thought would check out CD,s while here.

Could not find them so asked where to be told they had decided to stop selling them in-store.

In fact the whole electronics section looked bare and desolate.

Pretty sure a sign of the buy online times we now live in.
Three points to remember: Walmart is pure evil, Walmart makes its money by exploiting child labor, and Walmart will not stop until the middle class has been totally wiped out. 

Basically, Walmart sucks, and if you shop there, you suck also. 

The "People of Walmart" website is awesome.

But, on the flipside, the company/stores themselves - not so much.

However, without Walmart, we would not have "The People of Walmart".

Since the MulletsGalore website bit the dust 5-6 years ago the only "helpline" left (for me anyway - I kid you not) is "The People of Walmart" in all its awesomeness.


Technology has changed and CDs are no longer the primary vehicle for sales.  It is just a fact with no animus towards either CDs or streaming.  

Remember when CDs took the market from cassettes that took the market from vinyl? 

Time marches on, yet CDs and records will survive, but never dominate again.

I just feel badly for the artists who are now so poorly compensated for their craft.  Streaming pay very little.
I just feel badly for the artists who are now so poorly compensated for their craft. Streaming pay very little.
Interesting take, does anybody have any actual figures showing say royalty paid for streaming vs physical media sales?