The V.2 plus a set of Geoff’s springs would make a great budget isolation system. @geoffkait, how do you recommend your springs be partnered with roller bearings? I may just use my Symposium Jr’s, double cup style, therefore not having to be concerned about the LFT’s rolling off the bearings!
My “budget” springs having been outperforming high priced isolation systems for more than 20 years, and have been used in some of the most outstanding systems at CES including Mapleshade, the big Tenor Rockport system and two John Curl Bob Crump systems. My springs have gotten less expensive over the years as I learned how to simplify and evolve the design. Anybody can over-engineer spring-based isolation system. It’s not rocket science. 🚀 My springs have isolated Verdier turntables, 200 lb Flagship Classe amps, $30K high power BSW Consulting tube amps, Lamm tube amps, great big VPI turntables, Raven turntables, and many other high end systems. By going to a smaller high-performance spring I could dispense with everything else - the two plates, the dampers -and use only the spring. Make sense? Wasn’t it Einstein who said a thing should be made as simple as possible?