Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII

Have new pair of Magico S5 MK II and have had Magico for a long time. I love them but considering trying either Giya G1 Series 2 or YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 from my Magico's. Curious to hear from anyone that has head 
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I'm afraid I can't remember.  It was a solid state amp of some sort, that the dealer was praising and thought a good match for the A3.  I just remember that it was more powerful than the amp I use at home.
*Post removed* just below mine.
Let me guess: a certain well known magico-fan-boy who swoops in to every thread where someone said anything less than positive about magico ;-)
You mean every time YOU have something bad to say, which is basically every post involving the mention of Magico. AND you still can’t manage to articulate what it is you didn’t like (It was all good but my foot bla bla bla...BS). Heck you have such a vivid memory of your audition, you can't even remember what electronics were used? Like I said before, you are a fiction writer. For someone who is so busy (...constantly recording real life sounds) and talented (I play piano/synth, guitar (acoustic/electric), bass...) you sure seems to have a lot of time on your hand (almost 2000 posts with an average of 500 words). Are you sure you're not locked up in a cell somewhere 😉
LOL, the Magico-didn't-sound-perfect-to-me bat signal went up and
the frothing dog has been released for a run to snap at the heels of evil-magico-dissers!

Are you paid by Magico sciencecop, or do you do this pro bono?

Now that you have that off your chest, can you let the adults who are in control of their emotions discuss our impressions of speakers we've heard? 


 I always survey the amplification to compare it to mine and see if it seems a reasonable choice for the speaker in question.  But once that is satisfied, I simply concentrate on the sound, not taking notes of all the associated equipment.   I had auditioned a great many speakers over that year and could hardly remember every bit of electronics associated with every audition.  I couldn't tell you every amp used in auditioning the Devore, or Joseph speakers, or many others.  

If you look at my "Contemplating Devore" thread where I reported my impressions of auditioning many speakers, you'll see I praised the A3 for various traits.  They truly do sound amazingly low in coloration, especially lack of "box" effects, the way they produce instruments so cleanly and even hard-panned sounds don't "stick" in to the speaker, but float in a distinct position around it.  Very impressive!   If the A3 can sound even better than what I'd heard, with different equipment, that's great.  I simply comment on what I heard during my own audition, which is what forums like this are for; exchanging notes, seeing various reports and impressions of various gear.  I don't doubt your A3s sound awesome.


Now that you have that off your chest, can you let the adults who are in control...

You mean the adults that actually have the money to buy the models you can only dream about?

(Putting aside the fact I could afford the Magicos when I auditioned them, and in fact was looking at other even more expensive speakers...)

You mean the adults that actually have the money to buy the models you can only dream about? 

Wow, mocking someone on the presumption they can not afford expensive speakers!
Congratulations on exemplifying the worst caricatures people have of audiophiles as stuck up audio snobs.  You're doing us proud.