Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII

Have new pair of Magico S5 MK II and have had Magico for a long time. I love them but considering trying either Giya G1 Series 2 or YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 from my Magico's. Curious to hear from anyone that has head 
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If you need more bass, try the S7, it will give you all you need and then some. I don't like Vivids, sounds like plastic to me, and bass can be hard to control.  Rockport would be a better bet, but you will not get more bass with them.  

I hear you about the Harbeths. It’s not "judging" at all to say you are bored by the Harbeths. It’s your opinion and we are here to share our opinions. I’m happy to hear what other audiophiles enjoy. What a boring place this would be if sound were totally commoditized and we all liked exactly the same product.

It’s probably normally the case that if you like the magico-type sound you aren’t a Harbeth customer, and visa-versa. (Though I myself like a variety of different "sound types" in speakers).

Likewise, although I’m really enjoying vinyl these days, I totally get why there are people wouldn’t touch it.

I know you would ideally like to hear from people who have compared the particular speaker models you mentioned. But in the spirit of sharing experience and opinions...

I’ve heard the Giya G1 Series 2 briefly. (One of my local dealers sells Vivid, so I’ve heard Vivid speakers at his shop, and when he’s shown at audio shows). Genesis’ "Squonk" was just massive and dynamic on the Vivids. Just crazy good if one wanted to experience leading-edge detail, soundstagind WITH dynamics and acoustic force that invoked the real thing - especially a real drum set being played.

I’ve heard some big Magicos playing some of my favorite demo tracks, like Earth Wind And Fire live which has some killer drum sounds. It was also really "transparent" with great soundstaging, but they didn’t produce that "holy cow this could be live" sensation as the Vivid speakers.

On a smaller scale: I auditioned the Vivid Oval speakers (B1 I think?).Also, I spent some time listening to my selected music, over a month or so on and off, on a pair of Vivid Kaya speakers at my friend's place.

Again, especially with the Kaya speakers, it was "clarity/transparency and DYNAMICS" that really stuck out. Even at the sane levels I was listening at they kicked some butt. My friend, who plays music louder than I ever would, said "you just would not BELIEVE what these sound like loud. Teeth rattling power, but clean and uncompressed sounding."

On a personal note, ultimately I’m a "tone/timbre first" guy. I have found the sound of every Vivid speaker I’ve heard to be astonishingly transparent and clear, but somewhat anti-septic. There is more obvious "wow" factor to the transparency of the Vivids, and I find them on the brighter end. Smooth...but a tad lightened up in tone. I think I actually prefer the tone and timbre of voices and instruments through the Magico speakers. I would take the Magico A3s over the Vivids I’ve heard.

But, again, that’s a very personal account. I can completely see someone thinking the Vivids sound "more right"with instruments and voices.

I hope you get to hear those other speakers,so you can come back and tells us how you think they compared to your Magicos.


I demo’d Rockport Altairs recently but don’t think they will fix your dynamic craving. They have more realistic tone though.
wrenth hit the nail on the head as an owner of Vivid Giyas. I spent considerable time researching and listening and I too had Vivid Giyas (G2s though) and Magico S5s at the top of my list (along with Vandersteen 7s, impossible to find used btw). I listened to both at local dealers and to my ears the Vivids are among the most effortless, musical, detailed and "of one cloth" sounding speaker I've heard (and I've heard many of the best including YG, Rockport, Wilson, Devore, Von Schweikert, etc.) There is something just right about the sound that I haven't heard with the others. I also listened to the S5s and they are excellent speakers and in the dealer's room had prodigious bass but to my ears were warmer and less of one coherent sound launch (from the speaker) compared to the Vivids. Also, I personally found the Vivids attractive and interesting to view in person and ultimately, for me it's about the sound. YMMV, enjoy!