Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??

The technical material world is full of incredible precision - watches as a mundane example. Why can’t the best loudspeaker manufacturers create a loudspeaker with + or -  1/2 dB frequency response within the rather limited 20 to say 30,000 cps range? 
Well, it didn't happen. When I was done, it was a truly dreadful sounding speaker.
It was probably not measured properly and not really flat. Why else would it sound dreadful?

Would you please describe your current speaker syste, as well as any widely available commercial speaker you stan?


"It was probably not measured properly and not really flat. Why else would it sound dreadful?"

Actually, you are right! I was only measuring the on-axis response, and ignoring the off-axis response, because back then I didn’t know any better!

But here is another critical piece of the puzzle: "Flat" sounds "thin and bright" to most people.

And a gently downward-sloping curve sounds "flat" to most people.

There’s an excellent discussion of the subject in this review of the Dutch & Dutch 8c loudspeaker, scroll down about 1/4 of the way:

The author draws on an extensive controlled blind study conducted by Sean Olive and Floyd Toole, and says,

"Most participants in the study preferred a frequency response from 20 Hz with a straight line to -10 dB at 20 kHz. A measured “flat” in-room frequency response is not the preferred target, as it sounds too thin or lacking bass."

If I was designing a studio monitor the goal posts would be in a different place, and "flat" measured response might very well make sense, depending on what type of monitor it was (tracking, mixing, or mastering).


Your hearing is so not +/- 1 db that that it won’t make any difference at all.  Buy the speaker with a reasonable +/- 3 or 4 db, and put your money into low distortion/high efficiency.