Speaker cable help

Plinius 8100 integrated, Vienna Mozart speakers, musical fidelity A3.2 CD player, rega planar.3 turntable.
i am considering the following speaker cables,
analysis plus oval 9, Kimber 8tc, transparent the wave, synergistic core, acoustic zen epoch, any experience with these cables and or any other cables you might think will work in this rig is greatly appreciated 
thanks in advance
By the way, in my system WyWires Platinum mixes with Tchernov and Purist Audio interconnects. Speaker cables are Purist. I first got the Silver and almost immediately upgraded to Platinum, got them both used.
I bought the Platinum from that man. If you decide to proceed ask him if they are latest or not. If not latest ask Alex about the difference, but you might want them anyway. Take the price down to $550 in any case.
Sometimes I feel foolish because I keep dabbling in various interconnect and speaker cables and yet I keep coming back to Kimber 8TC and Kimber Heros. I keep thinking I can pay twice as much and really improve my sound but it hasn’t worked yet. Paying incrementally more in other and even the same brand isn’t getting me better performance. Their shear neutrality is so refreshing.