Black Ash..... the speaker finish that never should have been allowed to escape the bowels of hell. It is the parkay floors of speaker finishes.

Black Ash is the universal declaration of "cheap-#ssed speakers" or, even worse, if chosen as the finish on even a relatively expensive or quality speaker, it’s the sign that the purchaser has lost his mind or was likely wearing cargo shorts, socks and sandals at the time of purchase.

Where do you stand on this?

You are either with me or against me.

I agree, but Parkay is a margarine, parquet is a floor. That said, some of my favorite speakers from the past have been black ash just by chance because I bought them used. Spendor SP 100 and Celestion sl6si come to mind.
I would say black matte looks worse than ash. Gloss black won’t work with every room.

if you want your speaker to be the main attraction in the room, then yeah go for a whirly burly curly Salk cabinet with a bright color.