Am I considered to be a materialistic person?

I just love my equipment and records and sometimes can't wait to come home from work and play.....I don't think i could be truly happy without all this stuff! Does this necessarily make me a materialistic person of sorts? Do others feel the same way towards their gear and assorted media collections? My wife thinks i'm obsessed and does not see the point of all this lol. 
I do tell her, but I fib a bit on what was paid out...I have toned it down of late, as I am pretty happy with what I got. I also keep telling her, honey I swear that is the last resord I’m buying....I’m such a liar lol.
Strictly looking at it, yes you are materialistic. And doesn’t matter what you tell or don’t to her.
“Obsession with my equipment" is enough to answer your question. No need for endless tries to convince yourself or others about the contrary.
Finally a serious topic, not the shabby ss vs tubes.
Yes, as others have said. But at least it’s an obsession you can share with others. Almost everyone can listen with you and appreciate how great it makes their favorite artist sound. They may not understand the obsession but they can appreciate the stuff - at least for a while. 

Not all hobbies give you that!
I don't see the harm in being a little materialistic. Human nature. But, like anything else, it can be carried to extremes. A little of almost anything is fine. If it begins to hurt someone else, or disrupt your life and family, then its starts to be a bad thing. In my humble opinion.