Is it time in your hobby to build a speaker kit?

Not to save money, but to learn what you are talking about. Get your hands dirty. Touch all the parts. Can you screw? Can you solder? Want to experience something most of your audiophile friends never will?

Try out these sites:

Do this to have fun. Do this to roll your own crossover out of exotic Teflon and copper foil.


Do this to roll your own crossover out of exotic Teflon and copper foil.

Active crossover is what you need if you're doing DIY. You can't experiment with the crossover as easily when doing passive. 
I'm not really into DIY speakers, but a fellow DIYer passed this link on regarding cabinet constructio and the guy in the video seems to make sense


Kenjit :
A - Most who build a kit don't design it, and often purchase the crossover pre-assembled

B - While active crossovers are more popular in the DIY world than in the consumer world, they are still, based on sales, the minority, and they have their own list of complications.

C - You criticize speakers a great deal, but have yet to talk to anyone about what you use. Maybe that's a good place to start.
Thanks Erik for the links. There are a couple I was not aware of.

Always appreciate you contribution to AGON :-)

Here is another :