Speakers I have Two in mine??

Hello FriendsYou a problem sick of my post's!!I have a pair of Zu Souls MK11, I like them, but wish, I have more bass slam, and a slight reduction in the treble, only just!! I live in a part of Aust, where there is no hi fi shopsFriends, I have been offered a pair of Gallo Reference 3.1's with a SA bass amp, at 2,000.00 Au, rare in AustI notice from my last post, that many people, had different views, thanksI own the Zu'sBut the Gallos, have come on the market, I'm very happy with all of my audio gear, except the speaker's, which will be powered by my Channel Islands mono blocks!!I wan't  your thoughts, should I stick with the ZU's, or should I go with the Gallo Reference 3.1's with SA Bass Amp??I just want options between the above, I have 48 hours, to make up my mind!!Many ThanksDavid

 Maybe it is insane, but quite common. I have two pairs of speakers - Silverline Sonata-III and Nightingale CTR.2 (open baffle design, made inItaly). They are quite opposite sonically. I change them every 3 or 5 months to get a new impression.
Wow this is funny, I was completely in the middle of posting how all the OP probably needs to do is add four subs as that will get him the slam he wants and probably at the same time balance out the treble. Without first reading through the thread. Because I was so teed off that the guy keeps asking the same question over and over again. But then I thought maybe scroll up see if somebody mentioned it, I mean it is a pretty obvious solution, and lo, Duke himself!

Which says almost exactly what I was saying only as usual even more clearly.

Anyway, now Duke confirms it, the matter is settled.

daveyonthecoast: get yourself four subs. Just get them.

If you can post to audiogon you can purchase off the site as well. Stop pretending that your options are so limited, it's beyond tedious at this point.