Acoustic treatment

I want to build my own bass traps and was wondering if there are any other alternatives to fiberglass and rokwool. Foam is not a consideration as I don't believe it has the necessary qualities for absorption. I have heard of cotton batting, does anyone have experience with this material. The idea of fiberglass makes me itch just thinking about it, but I'm resigned to using it or rokwool if that's all I have.  Please make suggestions and let me know your experiences.

Add your can of hot air to outer space with the shear thats already there then you will have the potential of sound..just like you do here on Earth..Tom
Boy are you out to lunch on this one Tim. It is not what you hear. It is about what you feel. I would bet that you have never played with a system in which you can control phase and arrival times which is why you have this rather flaky opinion. This makes a major difference in the realism of the system. Just wire one sub out of phase and see what you get. I've got news for you. You have to be in phase the entire cross over region. If you are 1/2 wavelength out of time you have one sub wired backwards. This would be the kind of biased unacceptable opinion you swarm guys would come up with. If you think the bass you have now is good, you have a long way to go. 

Oh and geoffkait, I am a physician and we are notoriously bad at math but you keep avoiding the question which means to the rest of us that you have no idea what you are talking about.
My experience with tube traps under the most scientific conditions I could create is not good  and I do not intend on going down that road again. I see it as a waste of money. There are better ways to deal with room acoustics
I’m filing your post under Whatever, Doc. And I have no idea what question it is I didn’t answered but I actually don’t care as the subject for today’s class is tiny little bowl resonators, not Tube Traps. Are physicians notoriously bad at staying on the subject? The last thing I mentioned on the subject of Tube Traps was most likely how difficult they are to set up, anyway. I have no idea what problems you had with Tube Traps. Most people don’t.