Who can dance?

Not exactly a tech topic but dancing is an important aspect of music for a lot of people......including my wife.

Sadly, in our 30+ years of marriage I have never been what you’d call a dancer. Danced some in college for obvious reasons and with the necessary inhibition suppressor.

My wife likes to shag. And for those of you from across the pond it is not what you think......the shag is a type of dance that originated on the U.S. east coast and is associated with beach music bands. It is in the standard dance inventory across most of the south.

Well, as a joke one day I told my wife I’d learn the shag if she gave me the nod to get a drum kit. Well, I got a drum kit and I’m learning.......slowly........to dance to beach music. The shag also works for most R&B and even swing music.

Any of the rest of you music lovers know how to or enjoy dancing?

I’m the living model of two left feet. And last weekend we were dancing and I was pathetic and started laughing because all I could think about was Dr. Frankenstein’s monster in Young Frankenstein........Puttin’ on the Ritz!
A reasonably normal band I played in during the late 70s in Honolulu was offered a bunch of gigs if we played some funk and "disco"...we said hell yeah! Learned whatever we could stand to play (Stevie Wonder, Boz, Average White Band, Joe Tex...whatever) and one of the rewards besides gaining some funk guitar chops was hey...look at the actual dancing! After years of watching writhing hippies and jumping punks it was refreshing to see some hot dancers, although that scene didn't last long. I was already a huge ballet fan since the mid 70s (ex girlfriend was a dancer...I got hooked), and still am. I've seen the Paris Opera Ballet (astonishing Paris opera house packed with champagne swilling well dressed people), NYC various companies, frequent Boston stuff, San Francisco Ballet in Honolulu, etc. I get that most people don't appreciate it, but that's too bad...Another mind blowing thing is a Bhangra contest they do in Boston once a year...check THAT out...