Which hdtv would you recommend and why?

Looking for a 55” to 60” 1080p hdtv for between $1500 to $3000. I am leaning towards a plasma tv but I am not completely sold yet. I am not interested in a 3D hdtv. What would you recommend and why? Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
I bought a Panasonic plasma around 6 months ago.....outstanding picture quality IMHO (and so far no problems at all).

To be honest though.......any of the top brands are probably great.

I now have 2 Samsung LED's which are outrageous. Check them out for certain before you make a final decision.

I first went with a Pioneer Plasma which was a great set, but I note that you're in Mobile - I'm in south Florida, and the amount of heat the thing generated (as many plasma's do)was so great that after a half hour the room (albeit small) was almost unlivable.

The Panasonics and Samsungs get great reviews. Go see what you like, but for sure the settings in the big box stores are hopeless.
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