Conrad Johnson CT5 , 16LS or Herron Audio VTSP- 3A (r03)?

I have been a fan of CJ for a long time. But I’ve had their SS amps and PFR preamp. PFR sounds great. Whole system does. However I apparently am not going to be satisfied until I replace something. I’ve been wanting a tube pre for a long time. The 16LS was a dream many years ago. I know the newer CJ has a somewhat different sound but still gets good reviews . So does the Herron which I am not familiar with except in what I have read. I had beejn going after the 6SN7 tube circuit, (IE Sachs, deHavilland) But I know other mfgs which make top tier preamps use other tubes to great success also. So, which is your choice? It will be paired with a Latino ST-70 fully least for now. Thanks


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Interesting silence and maybe the reason I could find nothing in a search. Is it that the CJ & Herron are so dissimilar that you either like one or the other? 
can’t comment directly as i have the cj et5 and 16ls2 currently, just had a 17ls2 which i sold immediately (much less refined sound)

never had a herron

cj tube pre sound VERY different than the pf-r, for obvious reasons

i have had a cary tube pre's with 6sn7 as well as other gear using 6sl7 or 6sn7- i feel this tube magnifies the soundstage more than the smaller tubes such as 6dj8 or 12ax7 - did not like the effect... too much of a good thing imo